Low Voltage switchgear solutions
Designed to meet your exact requirements.
We are not tied in to any device manufacture so have the choice of the whole spectrum of ACB, MCCB, Fuse Switch, Metering and control gear manufacturers. We can use whatever is best for your application.
We use our expertise to design bespoke solutions. We utilise the latest 3D design tools to design our products to meet your requirements. We do not sell out of a catalogue forcing you to have what is within any particular range of products – we design what you want and need.
3D Design combined with our experience and expertise provides solutions that you can fully explore before committing to manufacture. You always know exactly what you are getting with ExEllison. As a customer of ours you receive fully detailed drawings as well as a 3D model that you can examine on any PC. You can now even manipulate our drawings and CAD models on your iPad.
We do not attempt to design/make on-the-fly on site. All of our designs are carried out in line with our own design verification criteria to ensure a correct design, manufacture, assembly and testing. Only this way can you ensure that the design will be fit for purpose.
Our designs are fed directly into state of the art manufacturing machines ensuring the quality and accuracy of our product. We actively encourage customers to visit our works prior to delivery so that we can demonstrate the equipment prior to installation and provide any necessary training.
Many of our customers keep coming back to us because they know the end result that they want but are unsure how to get there. We can advise the best, most cost effective and least disruptive solution. Other manufacturers may say ‘it’s impossible’ but our flexibility and innovative approach to solving switchgear problems usually results in us achieving the business outcomes our customers are looking for.
The list below indicates the type of equipment we regularly design and supply as part of our switchgear solutions:
- Package Substations
- LV Distribution switchboards
- LV Sub-distribution switchboards
- Extension panels
- Additional Circuits
- Switchgear Interconnectors
- Busbar Trunking
- Motor control panels
- Metering panels
- ACB retrofits
- Fuse-switch retrofits
- MCCB retrofits
- Complete switchboard replacements
- Oil-Switchgear replacement
- Power Factor Correction equipment
- Change-over panels
- Change-over control upgrades
- Metering upgrades
- Transformers and enclosures
- Routine Maintenance
- Emergency response
More importantly, we provide expertise to solve your switchgear problems